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From the end zone to everyday life, these motivation tips will fire you up!

by Adam Bisby
Jul 15, 2019

As a stuntman with credits including Deadpool, Lucifer and The Flash, Tommy Europe has to stay in shape. His life depends on it, after all.

Tumbling down stairs and crashing through windows requires many of the same athletic skills Tommy displayed as an all-star CFL defensive back from 1993 to 2003. Let those skills slide, he says, and a lacklustre leap or clumsy fall could cause serious bodily harm.

That’s one of many motivators Tommy uses to stay fit and active. Here, he shares five more that any guy can use to keep fitness plans on track — no fireproof jumpsuit required. 

1. Get moving

“When I don’t feel like training, I kick myself in the butt by simply moving around a little bit: Climbing stairs, walking, nothing too intense,” Tommy says. “It could be for as little as 10 minutes. As soon as I get the blood flowing, then it’s like, ‘yeah, I can do a workout now.’”

2. Keep gear in your vehicle

Fill a backpack with exercise clothes and a pair of runners, and put it on the shotgun seat of your car or truck. You’ll never be caught unprepared, and it’ll remind you to get moving on your lunch break or after work. Think of it as a “trigger” for your new healthy habit!

Speaking of habits, Tommy is a big believer in using them to achieve better overall health and fitness. Here’s how.

3. Phone a friend

Enlist a buddy or two to switch from meeting at the pub to going for an evening hike, bike ride or run. After all, a University of Pennsylvania study found that exercising with a friend produced more weight loss than going it alone. 

4. Make a game of it

You don’t need any motivation to watch the big game on TV, so use big plays as motivation to get active. Here’s how it’s done.

5. Apps for the win

Dozens of free (or cheap) fitness apps help track, monitor and motivate you in your fitness goals. Here are five keepers.

VIA: https://dontchangemuch.ca/activity/cfl/from-the-end-zone-to-everyday-life/


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