Welcome to the Home of Legends

Former CFL Player

If you are a paid-up member of one of the local Alumni Associations, you are a member of the CFLAA, and you receive all the benefits the CFLAA has available (Except the BC Lions Alumni Association as they are not members).  Each Association has their own definition.

The CFLAA definition of an Alumnus is,  if you have ever received at least one payment from a CFL Football team to play football, which could mean as a practice roster player, training camp participant, injured reserve, etc.

If you are a member please send an email to joe@cflaa.ca so we can confirm with your local association. Once confirmed you will receive the member access code.

This is a non-voting membership

NOTE:  The CFLAA is an Association of Associations.  The members are the Alumni Associations in the cities with CFL football teams.   Each Association has one vote and is represented with one member on the CFLAA Board of Directors.


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